Episode 17: Annual Check-In: Keeping Your End-of-Life Plans Up-to-Date

annual check-in end-of-life planning planning Jun 03, 2024
Santiago & Honey sitting at a table to do a check-in.

This episode focuses on an annual check-in to ensure your end-of-life plans are up-to-date. It focuses on the importance of regularly reviewing your foundational documents—wills, trusts, advance healthcare directives, and powers of attorney—to ensure they reflect any life changes and current wishes.

Today’s essential question: What are some reasons one should review their foundational end-of-life documents?

Episode Highlights:

  • The Importance of Foundational Documents:
    • Santiago emphasizes the need for a will/trust, advance healthcare directives, and power of attorneys as basic foundational documents.
    • Honey reminds listeners that these documents must be reviewed regularly to reflect life changes.
  • Personal Experience:
    • Santiago shares their personal story about realizing their documents were outdated before a trip abroad, highlighting the importance of regular reviews.
    • Discussing the need to update documents after moving to a different state, buying a home, and starting a business.
  • Guidance for New Planners:
    • Honey advises new listeners to start with episodes 6, 7, and 8 for detailed guidance on creating foundational documents.
    • Recommendations on checking state laws for wills or trusts and ensuring beneficiaries and executors are current.
  • Additional Resources:
    • Santiago points listeners to episode 13 for insights on elder law and the importance of accessible advance healthcare directives.
    • Tips on where to keep advance healthcare directives and ensuring prescriptions are correct and accessible.
  • Specific Documents to Consider:
    • Honey discusses the importance of medical and financial power of attorney documents and suggests working with an estate attorney.
  • Universal Advice:
    • Santiago emphasizes that planning is important for everyone aged 18 and above, regardless of current assets or perceived need.
    • Encouragement to take control of one's life and estate to make things easier for family members.
  • Action Steps:
    • Honey and Santiago encourage listeners to find, review, and update their foundational documents.
    • Importance of communicating wishes to loved ones and making arrangements for pets with at least two backups.
  • Conclusion:
    • Final encouragement to take action now for peace of mind and a well-planned legacy.

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